Als Prometheus seine Ressource Animated Palm Tree veröffentlichte, gab es einige Probleme mit ihr. Die Texturen hatten falsche Auflösungen und die Modelle hatte nicht die richtigen Pfade zu den Texturen. Viele Leute schienen stecken zu bleiben, deshalb habe ich das nur für euch zusammen gefügt.
Du findest zwei Palmen mit unterschiedlicher Skalierung in einer Cell namens "01PalmTreeHoldingCell" (Dies um es einfacher zu machen, den Baum in deine Mod zu kopieren. Die Blätter können bisschen lästig sein.
When Prometheus released his Animated Palm Tree as a resource there were several problems with it, the textures had incorrect resolutions, and the models didnt have the right pathways for the textures. Alot of people seemed to get stuck so I have put it together simply for you.
You will find two palm trees of different scales in a holding celled named "01PalmTreeHoldingCell" (This is to make it easyier to copy and paste the tree into you mod, the leaves can be a bit of a pain)
Du findest zwei Palmen mit unterschiedlicher Skalierung in einer Cell namens "01PalmTreeHoldingCell" (Dies um es einfacher zu machen, den Baum in deine Mod zu kopieren. Die Blätter können bisschen lästig sein.
When Prometheus released his Animated Palm Tree as a resource there were several problems with it, the textures had incorrect resolutions, and the models didnt have the right pathways for the textures. Alot of people seemed to get stuck so I have put it together simply for you.
You will find two palm trees of different scales in a holding celled named "01PalmTreeHoldingCell" (This is to make it easyier to copy and paste the tree into you mod, the leaves can be a bit of a pain)
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